Fehlercodes Designjet 500 510 800 815

FehlercodeBeschreibung / Empfehlung
— Description / Recommendation
01:10Electronics module failure.
01:11Electronics module fan failure.
01:12EEROM not configured correctly.
01:13Electronics module failure.
02:10Carriage failure.
Analyse: Kann ein 2,5V Problem sein. Netzteil testweise ersetzen.
02:13Carriage failure.
03:10Power supply failure.
04:11LAN card not detected.
05:09Formatter or HP GL/2 card not detected.
05:10Formatter not detected.
05:11Formatter not detected.
06:03Formatter hard drive not functioning.
08:11Front panel not detected.
11:11Trailing cable defective.
11:13Printhead voltage: Possible trailing cable or carriage defective.
12:11A short detected in the Carriage Assembly.
21:10Service station failure.
21:11Service Station/Aerosol Fan cannot be detected or the Service Station is badly adjusted.
22:10Ensure all inks are genuine HP or possible Ink supply station failure.
41:10Paper axis (X-Axis) motor failure.
41:13Paper axis motor encoder failure.
42:10Scan axis (Y-Axis) motor failure.
43:10Vacuum fan failure.
43:11Vacuum fan not detected.
56:10Drive roller encoder sensor failure.
56:13Drive roller encoder sensor failure.
61:04Firmware error, attempt to resolve by firmware upgrade.
61:05Communication problem, try new driver and different connection method.
62:03Parallel port communication error, call us to discuss.
63:03LAN card communication error, attempt firmware upgrade.
64:03USB port communication error, attempt firmware upgrade.
64:04USB port communication error, attempt firmware upgrade.
65:03Communication error, attempt firmware upgrade / driver upgrade.
71:04Formatter issue, attempt firmware upgrade.
71:06Out of memory, request quote for memory upgrade.
72:04Scan axis firmware error, attempt firmware upgrade.
73:04Servo error, Possible new electronics module.
79:04Firmware error, attempt firmware upgrade.
— Kann ein fehlerhafter Druckkopf sein.
— Hin und wieder Fehler 02:10 und ein Abbruch bei der Druckkopfausrichtung: Kann auch mal ein 2,5V Problem sein. Netzteil testweise ersetzen.
— Nach der Druckkopfausrichtung: Encoderstreifen kann zu sehr verschmutzt sein.
81:01Paper axis shutdown, possible defective encoder disk.
81:11Paper axis shutdown, possible defective encoder disk.
85:10Paper axis encoder error, possible defective encoder/sensor.
86:01Carriage-Axis shutdown.
86:11Carriage-Axis shutdown (during the Carriage Movement test).
86:13Carriage axis shutdown, attempt firmware upgrade.
87:13Possible defective carriage assembly.
93:10Ink system failure, check inks are ok and genuine HP, possible tubes assy.